вторник, 3 ноября 2015 г.


Vikings, Scandinavia

Location and time: Scandinavia, the early Middle Ages.

History: The Scandinavian nations, previously unknown in the Mediterranean made successful forays into all European countries, the Middle East and North Africa for 3 centuries.

Interesting Facts about the Vikings:

  1. The word "Viking" means seafarer.
  2. They actively used ships so first created detailed charts. In maritime terminology about 70% of the Scandinavian names.
  3. First visited America (east of Canada). There were found Scandinavian cultural objects during excavation.
  4. The Vikings have declared themselves in 793 year when raided a Christian monastery on Lindisfarne in Britain. Full-conquest began around the 9th century.
  5. Normandy - a region in the north of France named after the Vikings who got this land from King Charles the Simple.
  6. The Vikings used nicknames. They could be given for different services, unusual habits and appearance. It is interesting that even the ridiculous nickname could belong to a very authoritative warrior.
  7. Vikings considered honorable to engage in poetry.
  8. Axes were the most popular weapon. They were easy to create, universal and good in the fight.
  9. Vikings not only raided but also used to trade, make alliances and go to mercenaries in other states.

Myths, versions and misconceptions about the Vikings:

  1. Armor and weapons of the Vikings in popular culture are often far from reality. Horned helmets, bilateral axes and half-naked warriors never existed.
  2. Famous Bjorn and Ragnar are more likely to have never existed in reality. Just the characters of the Scandinavian legends.
  3. If Viking survived to old age and had not a chance to die in battle, he ripped stomach, nailed intestine to a tree and ran around until he died. Often mentioned in the sagas but most likely a myth.
  4. Only warriors could be rowers on Viking ships. No slaves..

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