воскресенье, 8 ноября 2015 г.


Caesar, Rome, Italy, Ancient times

Time and place: 100 - 44 BC, Italy.

Story: Gaius Julius Caesar - one of the most famous rulers in history, the emperor of the Roman Empire.

Interesting facts about Caesar:
  1. He opposes the death penalty which was popular those days.
  2. Effective fights against pirates who even once captured Caesar before he seized power.
  3. Caesar completely occupied Gaul. Noteworthy is the final major battle where the Gauls lost a seven-time numerical superiority.
  4. Caesar waged  a civil war to come to power. He forced Pompey (current ruler of Rome) to flee to Egypt where he was killed as a gift to the new ruler. In response to this, Caesar conquered Egypt because he thought that this is wrong to kill the first people of Rome even if they were his enemies.
  5. Turned Roman democratic republic in the first empire in the history. He also became the first and lifelong dictator of Rome.
  6. He was betrayed and murdered by his friend Brutus, who wanted to return to democracy along with his supporters. He killed him with a knife in the ribs.
  7. After Caesar's death, his successor Augustus took into account all the mistakes of the reign of Caesar and was the emperor to 76 years. He was ruthless to enemies, gaining supporters from ordinary families and tried to follow the ideas of democracy even in the face of the monarchy.
  8. Later, the name "Caesar" became a household word and it was worn by all the emperors of Rome.
Myths, rumors, legends and versions about Caesar:
  1. It was believed that he knew every soldier by name in his armies and knew how to deal with several cases simultaneously. Rather, it is the rumors that swirled around any great leaders throughout history.
  2. It was believed that Caesar had a lot of lovers, even mens. He may even been the father of Brutus. All of this were at the level of rumors, so can't be proven. Also, love between men was not considered as a bad thing in ancient times.

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